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Interested in Legends of Orien? Want to join or just talk about the guild? Feel free to post here. Include character name so someone can contact you in game.

1 12 Recruitment
by farkil
Nov 24, 2020 17:46:03 GMT -5
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7 20 Attention (VIP) players: FREE lvl 20 Lioness hireling !!!
by Deleted
Jan 28, 2017 17:02:48 GMT -5
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Dec 17, 2019 8:04:50 GMT -5
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Moved to General Chat (Private) on 15-Oct-11. New public threads OK.

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Sept 16, 2017 13:10:20 GMT -5


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Synica: Wish I could laugh about that... Sept 9, 2017 12:01:56 GMT -5
spyt: Don't worry Syn, I got you covered. I'll laugh for you! That's how much I enjoy helping you! Sept 10, 2017 6:08:25 GMT -5
Deleted: I'm reading a lot of FB posts from folks in Florida. They are all pretty much OK. Please be safe, Syn! Sept 11, 2017 10:47:43 GMT -5
Deleted: Yes indeed, be safe :) Sept 11, 2017 16:28:46 GMT -5 *
spyt: I got a text from her. She is safe but she has discovered a new fishing adventure going catfish noodling in her living room. Fortunately she has plenty of air matresses for her and her mom to float around on up on the second floor. Sept 13, 2017 6:02:11 GMT -5
Synica: Still no power. Want to see damage around here? Find clay electric coop on Facebook. Sept 14, 2017 11:18:03 GMT -5
Synica: Some of those photos are from my street. The power substation under 4 feet of water is where my power comes from. ✌️No ideas when we'll be back up. Sept 14, 2017 11:19:26 GMT -5
Synica: Save a raid spot for me Saturday. Might be wishful thinking. I blame the heat. Sept 14, 2017 11:20:56 GMT -5
Deleted: Sorry to hear that Syn, but good to hear from you non the less ;) I hope it'll all be over soon!! (saw the pics, looks heavy >< ) Hope to see you saturday (and sunday ofcourse) Sept 14, 2017 11:48:13 GMT -5
spyt: She may be underwater. She may be without power. She may be strained to the gills dealing with her mom. She may have to swim from the bathroom to the bedroom. She may even have to feed the catfish, but nothing... NOTHING... can stop Syn talking to us! Sept 15, 2017 6:02:58 GMT -5 *
Synica: I feel the POWAH! Finally. AC again. Pretty sure I took the longest cold shower in history. Sept 15, 2017 16:39:20 GMT -5
Deleted: I am so gonna shut up now!! Sept 15, 2017 17:30:55 GMT -5
Deleted: So, Oz shut up yet again... Syn's taking cold showers. Spyt is nowhere to be found. What POWAH did you use, Woman? Sept 16, 2017 1:41:55 GMT -5
spyt: You could have found me. So could Syn if she would have opened her eyes and looked at the window but instead she very happily chose to keep them closed in bliss for the duration of her shower. Sept 16, 2017 6:15:38 GMT -5
Synica: ;-| :-X B-| :o Sept 16, 2017 23:26:04 GMT -5
spyt: I recognize those faces! Wow, you enjoyed that shower even more than I thought you were! Sept 17, 2017 6:18:46 GMT -5
Deleted: Spyt, I know what Syn is thinking about you now... look up the Dutch word for shower and you'll also know... I'd like to see your face when you do XD Sept 17, 2017 7:00:03 GMT -5
Synica: (rofl) (rofl) :D (rofl) (rofl) Sept 17, 2017 9:55:50 GMT -5
Kealdor: As there is a new forum - - this one is just up for people to allow export PM's if they want and/or data they want Sept 23, 2017 23:21:01 GMT -5
akerians: Hello everyone Nov 25, 2017 12:12:42 GMT -5
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